Friday, May 21, 2010

Father Knows Best

I recently read an article about how awful Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) are and how difficult it is to find candidates in those systems. My first thought was, “Maybe the searcher is not doing it correctly or wasn’t trained thoroughly.” Sure. That could be it. Or perhaps the ATS really is awful. However, more often than not, finding candidates in any ATS could be a challenge simply due to user error during data entry. I know documentation and data entry is no fun. Raise your hand if you enjoy it … I’ll wait. That’s what I thought. I’m sure there are those out there who really do like it, but I’m betting they are not recruiters.

I recall one of my employees saying they didn’t have time to enter much candidate information since placing them took higher priority. I agree to that last part – as a recruiter, making a placement is your ultimate goal. But where has quality and due diligence gone? Isn’t it true a database is only as good as its data (remember “garbage in, garbage out”)? How many other placements did that recruiter miss out on due to failing to enter a candidate’s information correctly? Misspelled names, incorrect categorization, forgetting to attach a resume, failing to input contact information, etc., can all cost that recruiter a placement. These mistakes can also cost the recruiter’s coworkers, and ultimately their candidates and hiring managers. There’s nothing worse than finding an A+ candidate, and then discovering there’s no way to contact that person. (OK, lots of things are worse, but you get my point.)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Hello world - I'm learning about this blogging thing!

Corner Bakery, a Diet Coke and free wifi. Greatness! I'm sitting here in between meetings and got to thinking about my new blog. Actually, I was up at 2 in the morning thinking about it, too, but let's not go there (sleep - gotta get some soon). So what am I going to write about? Concentrate on? Focus, focus, focus.

I've got 17+ years experience in a wide array of affairs - public accounting ("audit"), controller ("bean counter"), and operations/sales management. And I’ve been around the recruiting space for 10+ years, founding a recruiting and consulting firm, then ECC Hiring Solutions, LLC ( My strongest skill - my sweet spot, if you will - is building companies. It's so much fun - it's like bringing a baby into the world, watching them sit up, then crawl, walk, then run. Of course, they spit up and say things like, "Dad said a bad word, Mommy!" But I digress :)

Friday, May 14, 2010

Hello? Anyone out there??

Wide awake. Just after midnight, and I can’t shut my brain down. Way too many things to do, catch up on, think about. Now I can’t stop thinking about why I can’t sleep. Oh yeah…caffeine late in the day. That’ll do it.

This is my first blog, so I’m also awake thinking of how I’m going to do this, what I want to blog about, what you want to read. I have 15 years of experience in the recruiting industry, so between tips and tricks geared towards candidates, hiring managers and recruiters, I figure there’s at least some grand wisdom I can impart. If nothing else, funny stories about interviews-gone-wrong are always a hit.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Latest Employment Report (Apr 2010): What does it mean for recruiters?

The Bureau of Labor Statistics published the latest employment report last week - 290,000 new jobs added in April 2010, the largest monthly gain in the past 4 years.

What does this mean for recruiters? - solid and broad opportunities for growth.

This is a great sign that business is picking up. Trade organizations predict hiring "Heat Waves" starting in May, and trends indicate that temporary staffing will lead this wave. The trends also show services, IT and finance jobs to take the lead. Are these early indicators a sign of full recovery?

The bottom line is that companies have definitely started to hire again and staffing firms will see an increase in business from this increase in hiring, both for temporary and permanent jobs.

Are you ready to meet this new demand?

Starting a recruiting firm is a slam dunk. Isn't it?

If only life were that simple, right? Heck, all you need is a phone, a call list and a client or two, and you're off to the races. Business built. No problem.

Of course, there might be some things to consider, like business insurance, client and candidate contracts, website design and development, employees (yikes - hiring folks to help). Wait a minute - building a recruiting firm might be tougher than we first thought.

It's a journey of self discovery, a melting pot blending gumption, risk taking, an idea (or two) and the fortitude of the owners to get the train running (and staying on the tracks - focus, focus, focus).

The challenges recruiting firm owners face build as their firms gain momentum. What was once the fear of landing that first client and making a placement grow to managing cash and bringing the right folks on the bus to get to the next level.