Employees who receive no recognition for a job well done may eventually cut back on making the extra effort. And according to U.S. Bureau of Labor statistics, the number one reason people leave their jobs is that they "don't feel appreciated." So as a manager, what can you do that won’t cost you an arm and a leg, especially in this economy? Here are some ideas that won’t break the bank:
1. Create a recognition board to publicly display names and/or photos of stellar employees.
2. Randomly hand out gift certificates ($5 – 20) to those who deserve it.
3. Allow a hard worker to leave an hour early every day for a week.
4. Leave a hand written thank you note or funny thank you greeting card on someone’s desk chair.
5. Come back from lunch with an employee’s favorite drink and/or candy bar and personally deliver it.
6. Ask the employee to be a mentor to new employees coming into their division.
7. Establish a monthly STAR award: Simply Terrific Attitude Recognition and rotate a trophy around (or something silly, like a smiley face clock).
8. Give a great employee a two-hour lunch break.
9. Stick a Post-It note on the computer monitor of a super employee saying, “I appreciate your hard work!”
10. Toss (literally) candy to people who give great ideas during meetings.
11. Send flowers to an employee’s home as a thank you.
12. Send an email to your boss praising the employee and be sure to copy the employee.
13. Give a personalized coffee cup or water bottle (http://www.designhergals.com/ is terrific and a portion goes to charity).
14. Write “I appreciate ____” on an index card, list several reasons, and post it at a hard worker’s desk.
15. Tie a “Great job!” or “Thank you!” helium balloon to the desk chair of someone putting in a lot of effort and/or time.
16. Throw a monthly/quarterly/annual party for the top 3, 5 or 10 employees.
17. In smaller offices, surprise the team for an afternoon outing to the latest hit movie, bowling alley or whirly ball center (loads of fun!).
18. Recognize exceptional employees in the company newsletter.
19. Write “Great Job, ____!” on the conference room white board right before the next team meeting.
20. Call fantastic employees into your office just to tell them thanks.
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